By Ed McCarthy
Graduate from Excel to MATLAB® to keep up with the evolution of finance data.
Foundations of Computational Finance with MATLAB® is an introductory text for both finance professionals looking to branch out from the spreadsheet, and for programmers who wish to learn more about finance. As financial data grows in volume and complexity, its very nature has changed to the extent that traditional financial calculators and spreadsheet programs are simply no longer enough. Today’s analysts need more powerful data solutions with more customization and visualization capabilities, and MATLAB provides all of this and more in an easy-to-learn skillset.
This book walks you through the basics, and then shows you how to stretch your new skills to create customized solutions. Part I demonstrates MATLAB’s capabilities as they apply to traditional finance concepts, and PART II shows you how to create interactive and reusable code, link with external data sources, communicate graphically, and more.
From the Back Cover
Staying competitive in corporate and investment finance today means a lot more than proficiency with spreadsheets and calculators. Advances in data collection and analytics have fundamentally changed how we manage money, and traditional tools and data sets are no longer enough. But where’s the best place to start? Foundations of Computational Finance with MATLAB® offers a robust introduction to the most up-do-date ways traditional finance practices are being optimized on the MATLAB® computational platform.
With an understanding of linear algebra and statistics, as well as access to MATLAB® and the associated toolboxes, you can use this hands-on guide alongside your computer to develop the knowledge base and skillset to enter the world of computational finance. Designed for the self-learner—clarifying chapter introductions, referenced source material, and sample codes walk you through creating interactive and reusable code, measuring and forecasting uncertainty, using graphics to analyze and communicate results in multiple formats, and more.
Presented in a masterful pedagogy by a MathWorks Certified MATLAB® Associate, the authoritative coverage focuses on developing a practical understanding of MATLAB®‘s built-in functions in order to develop programming solutions. It enables users to immediately use the platform in real-world practice, with a solid foundation for launching into more advanced operations. Students and professionals alike can efficiently jumpstart their path to success in the financial industry with:
- Best practices for working with data, dates and times, and basic programming
- Step-by-step instruction for importing, manipulating, and visualizing financial data from popular external sources
- Illustrative explanations for applying time value of money calculations and applications to cash flows, time periods, and interest rates
This versatile resource stays with you after you’ve mastered the basics with a section of appendices featuring handy, quick- reference MATLAB® functions, as well as guidance for publishing code, creating interactive files, and conducting regression and time series analysis.
Foundations of Computational Finance with MATLAB® is your one-stop primer to the new approach to financial analysis and management.

ED MCCARTHY is a journalist, prolific finance writer, and MathWorks Certified MATLAB® Associate. His articles have appeared in Bloomberg Wealth Manager, CFA Institute Magazine, Institutional Investor, Financial Planning, Journal of Accountancy, and the Journal of Financial Planning. He is also author of The Financial Advisor’s Analytical Toolbox and Fast Forward MBA in Personal Finance.